
Schedule of Rates: Monthly

Full-Time- More than 100 hours per month Rate Late Fee
Infants: 0-11 months $750.00 $60.00
Young Toddlers: 1 year $725.00 $60.00
Old Toddlers: 2 years* $725.00 $60.00
Pre-School: 3 years-Kindergarten $675.00 $60.00
School Age: 1st Grade+ $675.00 $60.00

Part-Time: 100 hours or less per month

Rate Late Fee
Infants: 0-11 months $560.00 $40.00
Young Toddlers: 1 year $535.00 $40.00
Old Toddlers: 2 years* $535.00 $40.00
Pre-School: 3 years-Kindergarten $495.00 $40.00
School Age: 1st Grade+ $495.00 $40.00

Schedule of Rates: Hourly

Rate Late Fee
Infants to Pre-School – exceed your part time package hours
If exceed more than 2 months – automatically will be charged full time rate
$10.00 $60.00
School Age and Kindergarten only during School-Sept. thru June $10.00  
An hourly rate of $10.00 will be used to calculate the hours that exceed your scheduled package.*Children will be charged the Toddler rates until they are 3 years old and potty trained.  A 50% discount is given to older siblings when the youngest (full paying) sibling is in care. “Rate” applies when fee is paid by the agreement date. “Late Fee” applies when fees are received after the agreement date.